I was delighted to get a comment after class on the photos on the blog. When I'm not professoring, I'm an amateur photographer. Indeed, other than working on game theory, photography is my other great passion. I mentioned creativity in an earlier aside and I do think this is perhaps the most important thing to gain from an MBA education. To me, both game theory and photography offer a chance to "see the world differently," which is the essence of creativity in my view.
For those interested, you can check out my Flickr stream here. Flickr is far and away the best online photo site for the aspiring amateur. It combines the cool social aspects of Facebook with the ability to upload photos at full resolution. If you're shooting party photos with your phone of point and shoot camera, this is not a big deal, but if you're as picky about quality as I am, full resolution really matters.
Social also matters since it's nice to get feedback about your work. In that regard, the blog has been less successful than I had hoped. I get very few comments from you guys on it. I'd be happy for any thoughts about how to make this more "conversational" than it currently is.
While I've only been a consumer of these postings and have not contributed any substantial comments, I very much enjoy following up class time by reading your blog postings. Often times they fill in a gap or two on the main concepts that I didn't absorb in class (or at least was still in the process of absorbing post-class).
In addition to the recaps, the one-two punch of professor + son for the game updates and results announcements amped up the fun level without detracting from the learning experience.
I hope you continue to post throughout our few remaining weeks.
I'd like to echo what Sam said. It's extremely helpful to have the opportunity to review the topics and main discussion points from past lectures. It's been especially useful when working on our midterm and final projects (as we work to better understand how game theory can be applied to the real world situations we are examining).
Thank you Professor Morgan for taking the time to provide this resource to your students. While many of us are not commenting on posts, trust that many of us are reviewing and benefiting from the material.
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